Achieve Iconic Guns: The Arnold Arm Workout


When you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, one of the first images that likely comes to mind is his colossal biceps and chiseled triceps – arms that became the gold standard in bodybuilding. Arnold’s arm workouts were the stuff of legend, combining high intensity, heavy weights, and a variety of exercises to build both size and definition. In this article, we’ll dive into the Arnold Arm Workout and discover the secrets to building your own set of iconic guns.

Arnold Arm Workout


Arnold Schwarzenegger, the iconic figure behind this legendary workout, is a household name in the world of bodybuilding. His remarkable fitness career started in his home country, Austria, before he emigrated to the United States where he rose to prominence. He became a multi-time Mr. Olympia champion, forever engraving his name in the annals of bodybuilding history. Read more about his incredible journey.

His unique approach to weight training was largely self-taught, grounded in his detailed understanding of muscle anatomy and the impact of varying exercise intensities. His philosophy challenged traditional workout methods of the time, propelling him to the pinnacle of the sport. This was the era that introduced the world to the Arnold Arm Workout.

Arnold’s Off-Season Arm Workout

The off-season workout consisted of four main exercises, each designed to target specific muscles within the arms for comprehensive development.

Cheating Barbell Curl

  • Sets: 5-8
  • Reps: 8-12
  • Tips: The cheating barbell curl uses a bit of momentum to allow you to work your biceps to the point of failure.

Incline Dumbbell Curl

  • Sets: 5-8
  • Reps: 8-12
  • Tips: The incline dumbbell curl targets the long head of the bicep, which contributes to the “peak” that Arnold is famous for.

One-Arm Concentration Curl

  • Sets: 5
  • Reps: 10
  • Tips: One-arm concentration curls are great for emphasizing the muscle-mind connection, ensuring each bicep is worked individually.

Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curl

  • Sets: 5
  • Reps: 10
  • Tips: Standing alternate dumbbell curls balance out the arm workout, targeting both the short and long head of the biceps.

Arnold’s Pre-Contest Arm Workout

In preparation for a contest, Arnold adjusted his workout routine to include more supersets, which involve pairing two exercises and performing them back-to-back with no rest in between. This allowed him to maintain muscle mass while increasing the overall intensity of the workout.

Superset 1

1. Incline Dumbbell Curl

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Tips: The Incline Dumbbell Curl emphasizes the long head of the biceps, which helps with the peak when flexed. Keep your elbows stationary and fully extend your arms on each repetition to maximize the stretch and contraction of the biceps.

2. Triceps Pushdown

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Tips: Triceps Pushdowns effectively target the triceps brachii. Remember to keep your elbows close to your body and the body stationary. This allows for better isolation of the triceps.

Superset 2

1. Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curl

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Tips: Alternate Dumbbell Curls give a strong contraction at the top of the movement. Make sure you supinate (turn) your wrists as you lift the weights to maximize the contraction.

2. One-Arm Overhead Extension

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Tips: One-Arm Overhead Extensions work the triceps, especially focusing on the long head. Keep your upper arm stationary and get a full range of motion for the best results.

Superset 3

1. Preacher Curl

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Tips: Preacher Curls are great for isolating the biceps. As you curl, ensure you squeeze your biceps at the top and fully extend at the bottom to hit all parts of the bicep.

2. Lying French Press

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Tips: The Lying French Press targets all three heads of the triceps. Remember to keep your elbows in the same position throughout to maintain the focus on your triceps.

Superset 4

1. Concentration Curl

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Tips: Concentration Curls really isolate the biceps. The key here is to get a full range of motion, and squeeze at the top of each repetition for maximum contraction.

2. Close Triceps Pushup

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Tips: Close Triceps Pushups primarily target the triceps, but also work the chest and shoulders. Maintain a narrow grip with your elbows close to your body to maximize triceps activation.

Superset 5

1. Reverse Preacher Curl

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 10-12
  • Tips: Reverse Preacher Curls, performed with an overhand grip, place more emphasis on the brachialis and the brachioradialis. Remember to squeeze at the top and fully extend at the bottom for full muscle engagement.

2. Barbell Wrist Curl

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 10-12
  • Tips: Barbell Wrist Curls target the muscles in your forearms. Make sure to use a controlled movement, and really focus on the squeeze and stretch for each repetition. Don’t rush the movement; slow and steady will yield the best results for forearm development.

Arnold Workout Philosophy

An integral part of Arnold’s Arm Workout is understanding the legend’s philosophy about training. Arnold always emphasized the importance of the mind-muscle connection. He believed that visualizing the muscles working and growing as you train can be a powerful stimulus for muscle growth.

One of the key principles in Arnold’s training philosophy is volume. High-volume training, as evident in his arm workouts, stimulates muscle hypertrophy. This approach requires completing a high number of sets and repetitions for each exercise, leading to an intense, muscle-building workout.

Arnold was also a big advocate of shocking the muscles by constantly changing the workouts, employing different exercise combinations, and adjusting sets and repetitions. This strategy prevents the body from adapting to a particular type of stress or stimulus, forcing the muscles to grow in response to the varied demands.

One of the most distinctive elements of Arnold’s approach to training was his intense focus and drive. He believed in pushing himself to his limits and even beyond. This extraordinary mindset, paired with his unique and effective training methodologies, made Arnold one of the most respected figures in bodybuilding history.

Lastly, Arnold valued the importance of rest and recovery. He understood that muscle growth happens outside the gym when you’re resting and feeding your

body the right nutrients. He ensured adequate sleep and a balanced diet to support muscle recovery and growth.


The Arnold arm workout is not just a collection of exercises; it’s a comprehensive approach to arm training that includes high-volume, high-intensity workouts, a powerful mind-muscle connection, and the will to push beyond one’s limits. Incorporating these principles into your workout routine can help you achieve remarkable results. Remember to complement your intense workouts with adequate rest and proper nutrition for optimal muscle growth. As always, it’s important to check with your doctor before beginning any new workout routine.

The greatest feeling you can get in a gym, or the most satisfying feeling you can get in the gym is… The Pump. Let’s say you train your biceps. Blood is rushing into your muscles and that’s what we call The Pump. You muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute, and it’s really tight - it’s like somebody blowing air into it, into your muscle. It just blows up, and it feels really different. It feels fantastic.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

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